Monday, May 31, 2010

The last post got me thinking about about a county song by Rodney Atkins-If you are going through Hell (before the devil knows).  Life does seem like this a lot.  the link below takes you to CMT's videos where you can watch the video for this song, which is kind of funny.
If You Are Going Through Hell (Before The Devil Knows)

so here is a link for just the song if it is something that you like, as well as for the album.

song                                album

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sometimes life is really hard and other times it is not so bad. So you know what is really tough? Getting up at 2:30 to be at work by 3:30. Ya tell me about it. Then I am not done until 5pm. Yep 13 hour days. OK I only work 3 days a week, but that 2:30 is really hard on me, since my average time getting to bed is 10:30pm. Sometimes life is like that, really hard for a while and then if we work at making it better it will be better. So if you are having a hard time keep going it will be better.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Leaders have careers

Leaders have careers.  People who  are constantly enhancing their lives have careers rather than jobs.  Where as a job is something a person does specifically, a career is what a person pursuses as a lifework.

Harry Wong

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So I was

My teacher thought I was smarter than I was;
so I was

Quoted from a six-year-old

Love more

There is no remedy to love,
but to love more.

Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

There are times when you feel all alone. This past year has been really hard on my wife and I. I am a teacher and have not found a teaching job yet. Well I am sure all of us has had a real hard year or two. The thing that we have struggled with has been faith. Faith in God. There are three basic ways that He answers. Yes. No. Or yes, but not right now. A quote that I like is "You can't force spiritual things." I just keep reminding myself that I am one of Gods children and that he loves me, and somehow He will help us make it through.
Remember we are learning as we go through life.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Love is Life

Love is life...
And if you miss love,
You miss life.

Leo Buscaglia

5 significant concepts

There are 5 significant concepts that will help you achieve whatever you want in life.

  1. Name
  2. Please
  3. Thank You
  4. Smile
  5. Love

Harry Wong

Monday, May 24, 2010

Journey of life

How a person behaves in the journey of life is directly related to what a person expects to happen in life.

Harry Wong
Sometimes life is like a bunch of middle school kids during the last week of school. Just plain crazy.
True success is messured by how you treat the people in your life.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Life isn't about us, it is about how we can help others

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sometimes we bloom and freeze an then bloom again.
Just keep Growing.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A foot among rocks

I got a digital camera for my birthday a few years back , and I love taking pictures with it.  One of the fun things about it is that when we take picture of the kids (they are still young 5 and 2) they want to look at the picture while we are taking it, and yes they are the picture.  Well that doesn't work very well, but it is fun anyway.   When my son figured out how to use the camera he was always getting it and taking pictures with it.  It would be pictures of the TV, toys in his room, the floor, his hand things like that.  Most of them were not pictures that you would want to keep.  Some of them were clear and others were, well no idea what they were. Well one day he got a hold of the camera and went out side with out us knowing it.  He was only like 3 years old when he did this.  Well it was a few days latter I think when we found the pictures that he has taken.  One of them I thought was great.  It was a picture of his foot, while he was standing on the rocks. 
Yes there are a lot of hard and complicated things in life, but life is full of simple things as well. Like your kids life's, their prayers, what is important to them.  What is for dinner. the beauty of the rain, flowers, grass.  there are to many things around us that really are simple.  Take a moment and look and ponder.

A simple moment to you.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It does grow back

Life's lessons come to us in all different formats and times.  I live in a place where it still can freeze up to Memorial Day, that is at the end of May. Yes is snowed a little here 2 days ago, no it didn't stay long but it snowed.  Today it has been raining and so did it yesterday.   Me and my wife took a little walk around the yard after it rained.  We stopped by our lilac bushes and looked at the flowers that were starting to bud.  It was beautiful.  Just a little bit of rain water was sitting in the buds.  I wish I had the picture that I took to show you. Very beautiful.   We also have strawberries and raspberries that we have been growing the past couple of years.  The strawberries seem to not really die (or hibernate, or whatever plants do during the winter) but the raspberries-well the stems look dead all winter long.  The first summer after winter, after we planted them, we cut them back because we thought that they were dead.  Well guess what they weren't.  We didn't know that until a couple of years later when we didn't get them cut back fast enough and they started to grow back.  Yea, we could have some real nice raspberry bushes right now.  Well life is like that some times. It could be with a lot of different opportunities, sometimes it does grow back.  An opportunity that we thought had passed could come around to us again.  someone that we thought we would never see, or hear from again we do. What ever it may be it could and sometimes does come back around to us again.

Happy living.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Life keeps coming at me no matter how hard I try to make it better.  Well I guess that is how life works.  It will always come.  No matter how hard I pray life is still going to hand out challenges and tasks that we need to try and over come..  For those of you who believe in God, some of what comes to us is from him, to help us become better, to learn and grow.  Other things we make mistakes and then in turn something happens and we start to struggle.  This can be really hard for us, partially because we thing that God doesn't care for us and wants us to struggle.  Well that is not true.  Just as you don't want your children to struggle,  god does not want us to struggle, but you just can't bail someone out when they need help.  sometimes there is that  learning time that needs to take place.  And isn't that what life is all about. Learning.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

reality check

I got a reallity check from my wife the other day.  I was being weighed down by way to much stuff that I let get to me.  Yes there are a lot of things that need to be taken care of, which seem to make life hard.  But it is the way we take care of it and how we face the situation that will affect the out come, and even our attitudes going through whatever it is.
Rembember this

Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
John Maxwell 

Have a happy day.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yes life is hard, but you know what everyone is going through it at the same time. O.K. they may be going through something different, but it is just as hard for them as your troubles are for you. Really- life is great. Just slow down and look at one of your kids smile at you, or listen to them say a truly heart felt prayer. Go listen to the bird and the wind through the trees. We are here for a purpose and it is wonderful.
