Are we going to have any video stores anymore? Hollywood, Blockbuster what is going on? Well let me tell you what is going on, and you probably already know. One word. Redbox. Or I guess the other big one is Netflix OK maybe it is two, what ever. So how am I going to relate this to our lives? As I write this I don't have a clue. Well, right now our TV is well half dead. Ya it doesn't work, well we can play DVD and the old things, what are they called, o yes, VHS videos. Yes I am still old school and have those, I don't have any Blu rays, or a Nintendo or Play Station or a Wii. O yes I would like one, my son really wants a Wii, but just don't have that kind of money laying around right now. OK back to were I got sidetracked. Sometimes we replace things in our lives that are good, and other times we replace some pretty important things with stuff that is not that critical. So my point: we need to be really careful that we are not replacing the important stuff with other junk and filing chapter 11(like Blockbuster is going to do) spiritually, mentally or physically, or placing or family off to the side.
Hey look at what I found, it is not even out yet.
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