Monday, April 4, 2011

Notes are stronger than memory

Do you ever think of something and mean to write it down and never do, something really important,  so you say to yourself "I'll remember that" and then when it come to it you don't?

Ya, I had one of those today.  I always mean to write it done, just get to busy to do so.  Well getting to busy is a big crock of an excuse.  We would probably save time in the long run if we would just write in down int the first place.  I have learned that writers have these notebooks that they call, of all things, writers notebook.  They just jot down what ever they think when it comes to them, or details that they see or here when they are out and about.  The way a certain thing looks at dusk.  Or the sounds that people make getting on or off a bus, or the smell of food cooking in a restaurant.  Well you get the point.  Saves a lot of time while they are writing. 

So my point-well I guess I better get better  at jotting down my thoughts when they come to me.  Yes this will mean start carrying around some type of note pad.  But wait most of us already carry those around.  They are called Cell Phones (most now a days have a note pad function on them.)  Like we didn't already know.

Wes Grimm

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