Friday, August 26, 2011

Equals Effort

  So I kind of left my last blog hanging.  Yeah, I guess I purposely did that.  I have noticed that more and more, I think especially with technology that our generations are getting lazier and lazier.   We don't want to work as hard any more, and expect just as much or more.  Talk to someone who grew up 50 yrs ago.  It was work work.  And then someone who grew up 70 yrs ago (the previous generation).  They came from the Depression era, and life was work work work.  You had to work, there was nothing just given you, work for it or you had absolutely nothing.
    So the connection in life between success and effort has been lost in a way.  People want to succeed in life and try and do it with as little effort as possible.
  Yes there might be some that have found their place in life, and have made it.  But, most that have achieved anything have had to put forth effort.
  So here it is again, the definition of effort.

ef·fort \ˈe-fərt, -ˌfȯrt\
1 : conscious exertion of power
2 : a serious attempt
3 : something produced by exertion or trying
4 : effective force as distinguished from the possible resistance called into action by such a force
5 : the total work done to achieve a particular end <the war effort>

Nothing in life will be truly achieved without effort. 
You want to succeed in life?  better find some effort.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Success equals

So the past little while I have been thinking about something that makes a big impact on each of our lives. I have known it, but just some things that have been said by different people and things I have read have made me start to ponder this topic a little more.
One story is of a group of leaders that went forth among the people and did declare the word unto them. And then it says "And Alma, also, himself, COULD NOT REST, and he also went forth." What make a man not be able to rest,and gets him up to go and do? It seems some people in life have it and others don't. Or do we all have it, with some knowing how to cultivate it while others are not sure how. And if so how do they get it.
Another story talks about a man that "could not be restrained"
Then I heard someone say, and I have always known this but something went to clicking inside, "their achievement level is directly related to their level of effort."
So I went and looked effort up in the dictionary.
ef·fort \ˈe-fərt, -ˌfȯrt\
1 : conscious exertion of power : hard work <a job requiring time and effort>
2 : a serious attempt : try <making an effort to reduce costs>
3 : something produced by exertion or trying <the novel was her most ambitious effort>
4 : effective force as distinguished from the possible resistance called into action by such a force
5 : the total work done to achieve a particular end <the war effort>
He put a lot of effort into finishing the project on time.
It wasn't easy, but it was worth the effort.
We need to expend more effort.
Origin: Middle French, from Old French esforz, esfort, from esforcier to force, from ex- + forcier to force.
First use: 15th century
Synonyms: elbow grease, exertion, expenditure, labor, pains, sweat, trouble, while, work

More tomorrow

Lonesome meow

So yesterday there happened to come from somewhere this kitten that we didn't know we had.  Well it got meowing up a storm and trying to climb up the back door.  When my wife and daughter were outside it would follow them around and continue meowing.  They made sure it had plenty of food but it still continued on.  This scared my little girl.  Well by the time I had gotten home from work they had put the kitten in the shed.  Well my son then let the kitten out and it continues on with it's psychotic behavior.  Well the meowing dyed down and it just followed them and me everywhere.  This would happen until  we would go in side and the meowing would start up again.  So is this cat sick, or, is it really lonely?  

Doesn't life bring those type of people to us?  Those that truly need us, and yes some of them may go overboard sometimes.  Maybe we're the meowing kitten?  But let's remember that through life we all need others.  It might be someone to have, someone to talk to or listen to, maybe it might only be the need to be acknowledged.  

Let's not let that lonely meowing kitten rip our door down before we realize what they need.

Be a friend.  A good ne.


Wes Grimm
4th Grade Teacher
Iron Springs Elementary
"Love Learning"

Thursday, August 18, 2011

One long day

So school starts tomorrow, and it has been one long day.  You never have one of those days.  HA HA.  Didn't quite get done what I was thinking, but what did get done was helpful to not only me but 10 others as well.  I guess that is what life is all about.  If I would have done what I thought I would have gotten done it would have been beneficial to me and my class, now it is beneficial to 10 times more, teachers and classrooms.

Go out and share yourself.  The results will be amazing and the reward...
well who needs rewards.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fwd: Over and over

It has happened twice now!

2 posts and both times I lost it when I went to post.  That never happens in life does it?
Well we just have to learn and keep going.

Wes Grimm
4th Grade Teacher
Iron Springs Elementary
"Love Learning"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Full Moon, New Moon

The moon has quite a great impact on the earth when it is a full moon.  Then when it is a new moon there is no light from the sun reflected to the earth.  So which moon do you you like better.  The New Moon or the Full Moon?  I hope that through life we are like the Full Moon and have a lot of influence for good on others.  Yes there will be times where we will be like the New Moon and hardly be noticed, or have an impact. 

But let us remember to show our light and be an example to others
