Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Success equals

So the past little while I have been thinking about something that makes a big impact on each of our lives. I have known it, but just some things that have been said by different people and things I have read have made me start to ponder this topic a little more.
One story is of a group of leaders that went forth among the people and did declare the word unto them. And then it says "And Alma, also, himself, COULD NOT REST, and he also went forth." What make a man not be able to rest,and gets him up to go and do? It seems some people in life have it and others don't. Or do we all have it, with some knowing how to cultivate it while others are not sure how. And if so how do they get it.
Another story talks about a man that "could not be restrained"
Then I heard someone say, and I have always known this but something went to clicking inside, "their achievement level is directly related to their level of effort."
So I went and looked effort up in the dictionary.
ef·fort \ˈe-fərt, -ˌfȯrt\
1 : conscious exertion of power : hard work <a job requiring time and effort>
2 : a serious attempt : try <making an effort to reduce costs>
3 : something produced by exertion or trying <the novel was her most ambitious effort>
4 : effective force as distinguished from the possible resistance called into action by such a force
5 : the total work done to achieve a particular end <the war effort>
He put a lot of effort into finishing the project on time.
It wasn't easy, but it was worth the effort.
We need to expend more effort.
Origin: Middle French, from Old French esforz, esfort, from esforcier to force, from ex- + forcier to force.
First use: 15th century
Synonyms: elbow grease, exertion, expenditure, labor, pains, sweat, trouble, while, work

More tomorrow

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