Saturday, July 31, 2010

Act or React

Do we act in life or do we react? I have come to understand a little better about these two choices that we have. If we let life overcome us them we start reacting and we could and a lot of the times get drowned in what ever it is. When this happens we close off to things that are more important-family, friends, our relation with God. I probably have lost a couple months of learning and growing with my family because I have let other things, (mostly money take control of my thoughts and actions and my over all demeanor.

Yes these things are going to happen to us. That is what happens in life, we learn life's lessons. Well, hopefully we learn the lessons when they come our way. When some circumstance happens we need to learn to be able to control what we can and still stay close to the things that are most important in our lives.

It has taken me a little while to understand some of this concept and I'm sure that there is more for me to learn before it is over, and the next lesson starts.

Here is a challenge for you today, this next week or even month.
Ask someone how they are doing (someone that you would normally not ask) and then if you could help them in any way. Enjoy this experience. Let me know how this went.


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