Friday, August 6, 2010

Back to School

Life is just like "Back to School." How does it compare you say? Well doesn't it happen every year. It happens every year about the same time. Without fail Teachers will start getting their rooms ready. Parents and kids will be clogging up the stores buying school clothes and supplies. Buses will be on the road again. "Back to school" night will come and go and then there will be the first day of school. It is a cycle isn't it? You can look in life, any part of life and see cycles. The earth and moon have cycles, then there is summer, spring, fall and winter. Plants go through cycles. So do we as humans go through cycles, whether it is physical or not. Now that I think of it I don't know why I related "Back to School" with Cycles.

There is one thing that we can see it as. It is a consent thing in our lives. It will always happen. We may not be going to school or have a family member going, but it is still going to happen. Each of us have constants in our lives, sometimes we need to build our lives around these, if they are important enough. Others or constants that can bless us and help give us direction.

Well enjoy this school year.


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